Sunday, October 11, 2015


List of favourite books by my 6 year old Daughter Sumedha. She couldn't stop at 10 so the list became of 17 books. The list comes with an unedited one line review from the reader herself. 
1: Where the wild things are (Story and pictures by Maurice Sendak): "This book is a very funny book".
2: There is a wocket in my pocket - (Dr. Seuss) : "This book has funny rhyming.After I read it I start laughing very loudly" .
3: Cinderella (by Om Kids) - "It makes me learn kindness"
4: Snow White (Disney book) - "it's a princess book so I love it"
5: Sleeping beauty (Disney book) - I love this book.
6: Winnie the Pooh (Disney book) : "It's a jungle book. In the story there was a donkey who lost his tail.
7: A Lion in Paris (Beatrice Alemagna, Katha world library) : (starts reading the book)- the lion was very lonely and curious in his Savannah so he reached Paris without his luggage.
8: Thumbelina (Lady bird book) - she is a girl who had married the prince.
9: The Little Lion king (Disney book) - There was little lion cub who's name was Simba.
10: Jack and the beanstalk (Ladybird book) : it was a tale of a boy who went up on the beanstalk for three days.
11: The very hungry caterpillar (Eric Carle) : this book makes me learn about hungryness(!)
12: Good night buster (Rod Campbell) : buster was a good boy.
13: Captain coconut & the case of Missing Bananas (Anushka Ravishankar & Priya Sundram) - was a cleaver man.
14: Moin and the Monster (Anitha Balachandran) - Moin had monster. Monster said 'I am a monster' but Moin heard ' I am a Bonster'.
15: The Folk of Faraway tree (Enid Blyton)- It was a very good book and I love this book. ( hugs it). I like land of Giants.
16: The adventures of wishing chair (Enid Blyton) - I want to have a wishing chair and I love this book.
17: Naughty Amelia Jane  (Enid Blyton)- Amelia Jane was a naughty doll. She did bad tricks.

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