Monday, October 5, 2015

Folk of Faraway Tree - Enid Blyton

Folk of Faraway Tree - Enid Blyton
Me and my 6 year old just finished reading The Folk of the Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton. To be honest, when the book arrived I thought that the book , with 28 chapters, has been ordered a year early if not two. But, absence of a new book for bed time reading made my daughter pick it up. And once we started there was no looking back. I was targeting one chapter a day but she was always asking for more. Refusal to read more would result in reading herself!! YES! And in 15 days when we were at the last chapter .... She said " mum don't read it!"
"Why? "
"The book will finish then"
"Don't worry! We will get the 'the enchanted wood."
"No, this is the one I like! Can we read it again from the beginning!"
Magic of a good book!

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