Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Enid Blyton

Long post alert. Dared to Rank the books of Enid Blyton
Enid Blyton
My daughter reads a lot. I mean, at least, by my standards. And this gives me an opportunity to read with (and to) her. She really loved the books “The Folk of Faraway tree” and “Adventures of Wishing Chair” and “Wishing Chair Again”. So she asked me to get more books from Enid Blyton. She has also read some picture books of Noddy. Though I had read Famous Fives as a school girl but I wanted to look for more options before she picks up the FF series.
So, I ‘Googled’, to find more about Enid Blyton Books. It’s a whole world of books. 1929 total books with 12084 total short stories, plays and poems.
Now, obviously it is impossible to read all. (or may it is… not sure). So I wanted a new type of List. A list that tells me the MUST-READ of Enid Blytons. 
I made a short synopsis of what is most popular -
1. The NODDY Series Anyone who has read some books in their childhood would know Noddy. A very cute character that we all fall in love with! Most of us who are parents would tell our kids about Noddy. Noddy was probably my first ever book that I borrowed from my school library and fell in love with it. Noddy is now 66 years old! It was first published in 1949. The first ever book was Noddy goes to Toyland. It is also the most popular book in the Noddy series of total 24 books.
2. The famous Five Series is another series that is the most popular of hers. ‘The Five on Tresure Island’ is voted as no. 1 book on ‘The Guardian’ Enid Blyton book rating. Its no. 1 on good reads as well. ‘Five on Kirrin Island Again (Famous Five) is at no. 2.
3. The Wishing Chair series is another very popular set of 3 books. The Adventures of Wishing Chair , The Wishing Chair Again & and More wishing Chair Tales. Me and my daughter have read the first two. Honestly speaking there is no difference between the first two… its just the extension of the first one. But children do take fancy of this book very much.
4. The Faraway Tree Collection is another very popular collection of 3 books. The Folk of Faraway Tree, The Enchanted wood and The Magic Faraway Tree. The Magic Faraway tree is ranked no. 4 book of the Enid Blytons. We have read only the first one and it has taken the fancy of my daughter to an extent where she did not want to end the book. And once over she wanted to read it again. And she did! Though the characters Moonface and Mr. Whatsisname and Saucepan man is a little weird but children fall in love with them. And a new land every week on top of the tree is what they find enchanting.
5. The other series are - Secret Series, Five Find-Outers, Adventurous Four, Barney Mysteries, Secret Seven, St. Clare's, Malory Towers, Naughtiest Girl, Six Cousins, Galliano's Circus and many other short stories.
So now I have prepared my own list of 50 Enid Blyton books based on the reviews from Good reads, Kidstoppress, The Guardian and some more ranking sites. I have not read them all but they are now in my to read list.
1. Five on a Treasure Island (Famous Five, #1) by Enid Blyton
2. Five on Kirrin Island Again (Famous Five, #6)
3. The Magic Faraway Tree
4. Five Get Into Trouble (Famous Five, #8)
5. Five Go to Smuggler's Top (Famous Five, #4)
6. Five Run Away Together (Famous Five, #3)
7. Noddy goes to Toyland (Noddy, #1)
8. Third Year at Malory Towers (Malory Towers, #3)
9. Five Go Adventuring Again (Famous Five, #2)
10. Noddy at the Seaside (Famous Five, #7)
11. The Twins at St Clare's (St Clare's, #1)
12. Five Have Plenty of Fun (Famous Five, #14)
13. Five Go Off to Camp (Famous Five, #7)
14. Five Go Off in a Caravan (Famous Five, #5)
15. The Folk of the Faraway Tree (The Faraway Tree, #3)
16. The Magic Faraway tree (The Faraway Tree, #1)
17. The Secret Seven (The Secret Seven, #1)
18. The Enchanted Wood (The Faraway Tree, #2)
19. Five on Finniston Farm (Famous Five, #18)
20. First Term at Malory Towers (Malory Towers, #1)
21. Five Have a Wonderful Time (Famous Five, #11)
22. The Wishing Chair Collection: Three Exciting Stories in One. The adventures of the Wishing Chair, The Wishing Chair Again, More Wishing Chair Tales
23. Amelia Jane falls in trouble.
24. The Mystery of the Burnt Cottage (The Five Find-Outers, #1)
25. Five Go to Billycock Hill (Famous Five, #16)
26. Five on a Hike Together (Famous Five, #10)
27. Five Go Down to the Sea (Famous Five, #12)
28. Five Are Together Again (Famous Five, #21)
29. Five Go to Demon's Rocks (Famous Five, #19)
30. Five Have a Mystery to Solve (Famous Five, #20)
31. Claudine at St Clare's (St. Clare's, #5)
32. Second Form at Malory Towers (Malory Towers, #2)
33. Malory Towers (3 Books)
34. Five Go to Mystery Moor (Famous Five, #13)
35. Five on a Secret Trail (Famous Five, #15)
36. The Mystery of the Secret Room (The Five Find-Outers, #3)
37. The O'Sullivan Twins (St. Clare's, #2)
38. Five Get into a Fix (Famous Five, #17)
39. The Mystery of the Pantomime Cat (The Five Find-Outers, #7)
40. The Mystery of the Invisible Thief (The Five Find-Outers, #8)
41. The Mystery of Holly Lane (The Five Find-Outers, #11)
42. Second Form at St Clare's (St Clare's, #4)
43. Summer Term at St Clare's (St. Clare's, #3)
44. The Mystery of the Hidden House (The Five Find-Outers, #6)
45. You're A Good Friend, Noddy! (Noddy Library)
46. Well Done, The Naughtiest Girl! (The Naughtiest Girl, #8)
47. The Naughtiest Girl Marches On (The Naughtiest Girl, #10)
48. Fifth Formers of St Clare's (St. Clare's, #6)
49. Pitty's laatste kostschooljaar (Malory Towers, #6)
50. The Mystery of Banshee Towers (The Five Find-Outers, #15)
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