Hindi Books from Children's Book Trust
3. Feb.2013
#childrensbooktrust #hindibooks #childrensbooks #3yearolds #4yearolds #myreadingbaby
A cute book about the seasons and our activities around the season.
A Book about counting from 1 to 10 in Hindi. This book at bed time always put my daughter to sleep by the time we reached 8 or 9. I guess it worked like counting she eps. :)
This one is a very Cute Story. We must have read this one a hundred times. A tale of friendship between a Mouse and a squirrel and about making informed choices in life and not just blindly following what u see is what comes out of this story. The story has its Highs and Lows and some funny moments as well. Highly recommended.
No extra points for guessing - This one is a simple story about the Outcome of Greed for Food. Cute illustrations. Its a simple straightforward story and little kids connect with it.
7. Choti Chinti ki Badi Dawat - By Kusumlata Singh
This one is my personal favourite Hindi Book. A cute story about saving for the rainy day, about handwork and consistency, about how size doesn't matter, and how kindness can shown anytime and to anyone. Children take fancy to the story. Its a 20 pages picture book so may be 2 -3 years old may not have the patience to listen to the entire story in one go. Recommended for 4 years onwards.
#childrensbooktrust #hindibooks #childrensbooks #3yearolds #4yearolds #myreadingbaby
3. Feb.2013
Piku is 3.5 years now and loves it when i read out to her. She brings a book herself to me at bedtime - the one that she would like me to read out to her. I have tried refusing her once saying - I can't read tonight - that only brings big water drops in her eyes.
This book fair , I bought a lot of books from 'Children Book Trust' for my 3.5 year old. And I bought the Hindi version. Though the english version is also available but I thought just reading another language to her might just make her comfortable with the sounds of Hindi as well ( we speak mostly bengali at home).
I am quite happy and surprized by the lovely illustrations and poetic literature. Nice, Cute and Highly recommended.
1. Sonali ka Mitr
This was was Piku's personal favourite.
Because there is a 'little girl' in the story. The story conveys that anybody can be your friend and its always good to be selfless. It 'ok' for a friend to be selfish for once. They will come back and be nice to you.
#childrensbooktrust #hindibooks #childrensbooks #3yearolds #4yearolds #myreadingbaby
2. Budiya ki Roti
'Budiya ki roti' is a very simple story that talks about helping yourself. quite an interesting story for 3 to 4 year olds. It captures their curiocity as we are constantly teaching them about helping others all the time. This story takes a reverse route and talks about helping yourself before asking for any help.
A cute book about the seasons and our activities around the season.
A Book about counting from 1 to 10 in Hindi. This book at bed time always put my daughter to sleep by the time we reached 8 or 9. I guess it worked like counting she eps. :)
This one is a very Cute Story. We must have read this one a hundred times. A tale of friendship between a Mouse and a squirrel and about making informed choices in life and not just blindly following what u see is what comes out of this story. The story has its Highs and Lows and some funny moments as well. Highly recommended.
No extra points for guessing - This one is a simple story about the Outcome of Greed for Food. Cute illustrations. Its a simple straightforward story and little kids connect with it.
7. Choti Chinti ki Badi Dawat - By Kusumlata Singh
This one is my personal favourite Hindi Book. A cute story about saving for the rainy day, about handwork and consistency, about how size doesn't matter, and how kindness can shown anytime and to anyone. Children take fancy to the story. Its a 20 pages picture book so may be 2 -3 years old may not have the patience to listen to the entire story in one go. Recommended for 4 years onwards.
#childrensbooktrust #hindibooks #childrensbooks #3yearolds #4yearolds #myreadingbaby
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